Frequently asked questions about North Port Meals on Wheels
Q: What is in a "Meals on Wheels" Meal?
A: Each meal includes the following:
One serving of lean protein (beef, chicken, pork)
One Starch (potato, pasta, or rice)
One Vegetable
Salad on various days
See our menu page for this month's schedule of meals
Q: How much does the service cost?
A: Meals cost $7.00 per person per day. We ask that you commit to at least 2 weeks of service. Subsidies may be available for those who are unable to pay based on income level, but there may be a waiting list. We will send you an invoice at the end of the month for meals delivered, then you can pay with a credit card or check. We do not take payments from insurance companies.
Q: Who is eligible to receive a Meals on Wheels meal?
A: Our services are available to any adult resident of North Port who is not able to shop for or prepare at least one nutritious meal per day. Adults of ALL incomes and ages may be eligible for meals. Meals on Wheels does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, gender, disability, or national origin.
Q: When are the meals delivered?
A: Meals are delivered Monday through Saturday between 9:30 am and noon. You may choose to receive meals every day, or as few as 3 days per week.
Note: If you want us to leave the meal when you are not home or unable to answer the door, you must provide a cooler with ice, or we will not be able to leave the meal. You will still be charged even if we are unable to deliver the food. While we understand that occasional unexpected emergencies are inevitable, chronic absenteeism may be cause for suspension of services.
Q: How are the meals prepared?
A: We prepare and package our meals each morning under strict food safety guidelines in our commercial kitchen. Meals are delivered in a paperboard container that can be warmed in the microwave.
Q: Do you offer substitutions for special diets?
A: For the most part, we will not substitute menu items. If there is something you don't like, you may call at least 24 hours in advance and cancel your meal for the day with no charge. If you are on a low-sugar diet, we provide low-sugar desserts on Friday. If you have an allergy, please call and cancel your meal 24 hours in advance.
Q: What is a wellness check?
A: We care about you! We bring more than just a meal. Our volunteers are trained to report any concerns. When our volunteers come to deliver, they will ring the bell or knock loudly. If they do not get an answer, they will try the door to see if it is unlocked. If it is, they will peak their head in and announce "Meals on Wheels". If there is still no answer, they will only leave the meal if you have set out a clean cooler. If there is a meal from a previous day in the cooler when we arrive, we will try to call you, and then try your emergency contacts as well. If we are unsuccessful at reaching you or an emergency contact, we will call the police to do a wellness check. If the police determine that you could be inside and injured or ill, they will enter your home.
Volunteers are instructed NOT to pick anyone up or assist them with any type of medical concerns.
Q: Why do you ask for an emergency contact?
A: When applying for meals you will be asked to provide two emergency contacts and you will be asked if you have someone who is a key holder. This information is used if we come to deliver and you do not answer the door and have not arranged for alternate meal delivery.
If the volunteer arrives and there is a reason to call 911, they will do so and then call the office, who will notify one of your emergency contacts. We will ONLY share your personal contact information with Emergency Personnel if they need to assist you.
To avoid any unnecessary concerns, please make sure that your client information is up to date, we have good emergency contact numbers and we have the name of your key holder. Please put out a cooler with ice if you are planning on not being home for your delivery or call and cancel your meal for the day.
Q: Who delivers the meals?
A: The meals are delivered by trained volunteers.
Kitchen helpers work from 7 to 9:30 am once a week
Drivers pickup food around 9:30am and finish before noon
If you are interested in volunteering, please call us.
Q: I'd like to sign up for meals, what's the next step?
A: Give us a call at 941-876-9191 to get more information or schedule an intake. Our office hours are Mon - Fri from 10am to noon. You may leave a message any time and we will return your call as soon as we are able. You can also go to our signup page to request meals and we will call you back to continue the process.
If you have a friend or neighbor who you feel would benefit from our service, please have them contact us. We can only process signups directly with the client or family members.